Today's horoscope: Perfumes for Aries

Aries is a fire sign and its ruling planet is Mars. Such a powerful combination can only lead to very virile and powerful men, with irresistible attraction.

The most passionate and intense people in the zodiac are born between March 21 and April 20.

Perfumes and Zodiac Signs: Aries Man

His passion for life is reflected in everything he does; he is reckless, adventurous, active and independent.

At the same time, he is honest and generous, and gives himself boundlessly to those he loves.

An Aries cannot go unnoticed. His courage and self-confidence do not allow that. Of course, his perfume cannot go unnoticed either.

Do you dare to discover his scent?


DIVAIN-023: Seduction is the natural state of Aries men, because they don't have to make an effort to conquer anyone. Just by being themselves, they radiate their magic and it is impossible to escape their spell. And this is the perfect perfume to seal their charm.

  • Fragrance family: Woody.
  • Season: Autumn.
  • Intensity: Medium.
  • Recommended use: Evening.


      DIVAIN-043: Aries is the most classic and powerful man of the zodiac. His essence must be as courageous and daring as his personality. A perfume that lasts long and exudes its masculinity all day long is the perfect choice.

      • Geurfamilie: Fern.
      • Season: Spring.
      • Intensity: Medium.
      • Recommended use: During the day.


          DIVAIN-209: With his determined attitude and innate self-confidence, an Aries man exudes security and strength, the same that this fragrance conveys with refreshing citrus notes, which add its natural elegance to emphasize.

          • Geurfamilie: Citrus.
          • Season: Summer.
          • Intensity: Medium.
          • Recommended use: Evening.


              DIVAIN-212: If Mars, the ruling god of Aries, were to wear a perfume, it would be this powerful perfume, which reflects the essence of the most masculine power . A fragrance suitable only for very masculine men, who radiate triumph from all pores of their skin.

              • Geurfamilie: Fern.
              • Season: Autumn.
              • Intensity: Intense.
              • Recommended use: Evening.

                  Courage and self-confidence are the most important personality traits of Aries women.

                  Their great willpower and ability to fight make them one of the most striking and passionate zodiac signs.

                  Perfumes and Zodiac Signs: Aries Woman

                  A tireless warrior, an Aries does not bow down to life's difficulties. On the contrary, it is the challenges that fuel her enthusiasm, because she can handle any situation.

                  Her energy knows no bounds or limitations, for she is the one in charge and making the decisions, which are sometimes impulsive, but almost always right.

                  Intense, seductive and emotional women. What will their smell be like?


                  DIVAIN-571: The passion of these women draws you in almost unnoticed, just like this subtle yet addictive perfume; discreet, but intoxicating. Just as special as the character of an Aries.

                  • Fragrance family: Floral Woody Musk.
                  • Season: Spring.
                  • Intensity: Intense.
                  • Recommended use: During the day.



                        DIVAIN-138: Without fear of danger, with a touch of reckless courage, an Aries woman surrenders to her emotions without hesitation. That's why she chooses bold scents, but always elegant.

                        • Fragrance Family: Oriental.
                        • Season: Autumn.
                        • Intensity: Medium.
                        • Recommended use: Evening.


                            DIVAIN-085: How can a woman so strong, with these leadership qualities and the courage with which she faces life, go unnoticed? An Aries woman naturally stands out; a well-chosen perfume will only emphasize what is already obvious.

                            • Fragrance Family: Oriental.
                            • Season: Autumn.
                            • Intensity: Medium.
                            • Recommended use: During the day.


                                DIVAIN-110: The Aries woman is practically unable to sit still: she is always planning, doing, enjoying... She needs a perfume that can move with her, like this urban and modern fragrance, with a vitality that equals this fascinating woman.

                                • Fragrance family: Floral Fruity.
                                • Season: Spring.
                                • Intensity: Medium.
                                • Recommended use: During the day.


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