Properties of black garlic: benefits and contraindications

Waar is zwarte knoflook voor?

Black garlic has become so popular in recent years that it has become one of the most fashionable ingredients used in recipes professional cook and in herbalists as medicinal food are used.

This black garlic is made by subjecting traditional garlic to a process of chemical reactions Maillard reactions are mentioned. To obtain this color, it must be stored for a month at constant temperatures between 65ºC and 80ºC.

What is black garlic for?

Black garlic is an ingredient that was invented hundreds of years ago medicinal purposes was used. The interesting and beneficial properties of this superfood largely come from its raw material, traditional garlic.

Thanks to the fermentation process it changes color and accentuates some of its positive health properties. In addition, the taste of the classic white fresh garlic, which is strong and unpleasant, disappears.

Most of the benefits lie in the fact that it essential amino acids -most antioxidants contains. In addition, it contains other essentials nutrients to keep your body functioning properly, such as vitamins (including vitamins B1, B2 and B3 and vitamin C) and minerals.

Eigenschappen van zwarte knoflook

Properties of black garlic

Benefits of Black Garlic

In addition to the mild, non-repetitive flavor, the properties and health benefits of black garlic are the reasons why these foods have become so popular in recipes.

  • The ability to strengthen theimmune system and promote the appearance of defensive cells is one of the main properties of these foods. It prevents colds and can protect against all kinds of infectious diseases.
  • Black garlic is a source with a high content of phenols, especially S-Allyl-Cysteine ​​(SAC), which have a strong antioxidant effect. This reduces oxidative stress by neutralizing the action offree radicals that cause cell aging.
  • Although some studies show that white garlic is superior to black in terms of... anti-inflammatory capacity, it is still a very useful food if you have an inflammatory pathology.
  • The properties of black garlic give it a hepatoprotective role, that is it can protect the liver against injury and helps when it has suffered damage.
  • Another major health benefit is that it cardiovascular system protects by lowering blood pressure, preventing the onset of cardiovascular disease and improving blood circulation.
  • Does it help? control cholesterol levels in the blood, which brings the ratio between the amount of HDL and LDL back to a normal level.

Voordelen van zwarte knoflook


Black garlic is a natural food that comes directly from a common garlic fermentation process. For this reason, it has no very pronounced contraindications or side effects on health.

However, as with all foods, it is preferable to contact your doctor directly if you are unsure. Some of the contraindications of black garlic are:

  • In addition to all its amino acids, vitamins and minerals, it is a product with a high iodine content. Therefore, it is better to avoid it if you have thyroid problems.
  • Black garlic lowers blood pressure, so it is not recommended to take it before undergoing surgical procedures.
  • No evidence has been found that pregnant women and babies cannot take it. Still, it is better not to overdo it and consult your doctor.
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